CAP Student Feedback Survey: Grades 10/11 Short Form
Read each statement and then choose one answer choice that you think fits best. There are no right or wrong answers.  Your teacher will use your class’s answers to better understand what it’s like to be a student in this class.  Your teacher will not see your individual answers.  
1. In this class, students help each other to learn. *
2. When we can't figure something out, my teacher gives us other activities to help us understand. *
3. My teacher uses our mistakes as a chance for us all to learn. *
4. When asked, I can explain what I am learning and why. *
5. I use evidence to explain my thinking when I write, answer questions, and talk about my work. *
6. My teacher makes me think first, before he or she answers my questions. *
7. I can show my learning in many ways (e.g., writing, graphs, pictures). *
8. I can do more challenging work when I am waiting for other students to finish. *
9. My teacher shows us how to respect different opinions in class. *
10. When we read in class, I can think of several possible answers to my teacher’s questions. *
11. I look over my classmates' work and suggest ways to improve it. *
12. My teacher's answers to questions are clear to me. *
13. I use rubrics given by the teacher to judge how well I have done my work. *
14. My teacher helps students make better choices when they are misbehaving. *
15. Students encourage each other to do really good work in this class. *
16. My teacher asks us to share what we have learned in a lesson. *
17. In this teacher's class, I have learned not to give up, even when things get difficult. *
18. My teacher uses things that interest me to explain hard ideas. *
19. My teacher lets me teach other students how I solved a problem. *
20. In this class, other students take the time to listen to my ideas. *
OPTIONAL: If you have any additional feedback for your teacher, please share it here.
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