Combine Orders Form
This is a form wherein you can input two separate orders that goes to the same address to combine them into one order.
I will be refunding your shipping accordingly, in this case, I ask for more of your patience as it might take me a while.

1. If you ordered an in-stock along with a pre-order item, I will ship them together once I receive the pre-order pins.
2. If you have filled up the form and not receive a refund, please notify me as I might have missed it.
3. I can only combine your orders if it’s both under the same name and address, if not, I will treat it as two separate orders.

If you have any questions, you may email us at or contact us at Instagram @serendiminiepins and Twitter @serendiminiepin

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Email *
Full Name *
Full Address *
Phone Number *
Order Number #1 *
Order Number #2 *
Instagram/Twitter Handle *
So, I can contact you just in case.
PayPal Email *
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