A.M. Winn Public Waldorf TK-8 School - Interest Form
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Email *
Child's Last Name *
Child's First Name *
Child's Date of Birth *
Gender *
Sibling(s) at A.M. Winn Waldorf (Names and Grades) *
Parent Last Name *
Parent First Name
Phone Number *
Full Address (Include Zip Code) *
Child's Current Grade Level (Include School and Teacher) *
Interest in *
Grade Interested In: *
For TK and Kindergarten applicants only, do you have an AM/PM preference? Please note that we try and honor as many request as possible, but are unable to guarantee placement in your preference.  *
For TK and Kindergarten applicants only, If my child is placed in the AM (morning) class my child will need: *
For TK and Kindergarten applicants only, If my child is placed in the PM (afternoon) class my child will need:
What concerns do you have for your child?  Do you anticipate that your child will need additional support as they transition into A.M. Winn? *
Describe your child's strengths. *
Why do you want your child to attend A.M. Winn Public Waldorf TK-8 School? *
Parent participation is essential in supporting your child's education. What strengths, talents, or areas of expertise can your family share with the community?  *
Please view: Waldorf 100 "Becoming". Please initial below that you have watched the video.
Please view: Waldorf 100 The Film (Part 1). Please initial below that you have watched the video. 
Please view: Waldorf 100 The Film (Part 2). Please initial below that you have watched the video. 
Initial that you have viewed the three videos above. *

If  my child is enrolled in a SCUSD Public Waldorf School, I understand and agree to the following:  

- Academics will follow the Waldorf curriculum, methodology, and Alliance for Public Waldorf standards.

-  We are a low media campus and promote limited access to technology at school and home.

-  Students will remain with their classroom cohorts. Requests for classroom changes will not be honored.

Please initial that you agree to all three statements.

Describe what you know about Waldorf education. What is your willingness to learn more about the Waldorf philosophy? *
How will you support your child's educational experience at A.M. Winn *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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