Inquire About Working with Constant Love & Learning

We're so excited you're here! We have a few questions that we hope will be helpful for you to answer and helpful for us to serve you best.

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Role in Schools *
Name of School/District/Organization *

What time zone are you located in?

Tell us a little bit about your organization, its strengths, and its challenges.

Have we worked with you before? Please check any that you have participated in.

What stage of educator well-being & emotional intelligence is your school/district/organization in?  *
What educator well-being and emotional intelligence support are you interested in for your school/organization? Please select all that apply. *
Which groups would you like support with? Please select all that apply. *

Have you ever invested in support for educator well-being and emotional intelligence/adult SEL before?

Tell us about your top 3 growth goals for your school/district/organization in the next 6 months.
What is your current budget for educator well-being and emotional intelligence support? (Please note that this investment is well worth it, as you can head here to see the extensive costs of staff turnover and why focusing on well-being is needed.) *
What do you feel you need the most help/support with RIGHT NOW to support growth and healing in your school/district/organization? Please be as specific as possible.
Are you also interested in support for your own well-being? If yes, what would you ideally want that support to look like? *
What's the best way to get in touch with you? What are the best days and times to reach you?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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