Ashley Road School - Skills Framework Survey
This form is to gather information about how the skills pupils use in school are discussed, shared or featured in life beyond the school's walls.

There are nine questions in total, with the majority being multiple choice. It should take no longer than 5-8 minutes to complete.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read and complete this survey.
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How familiar are you with our school’s 'Skills Framework' that is used to help pupils to understand the skills they’re developing in school?
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If you are aware of the framework, how did you learn about it?

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How important do you think it is for children to be able to link the development of specific skills to the activities they take part in at school?
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 True or False: At home, my child/children and I have had conversations about the skills being used and developed through their learning in school.
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If you answered 'True' above, what activity from school prompted these conversations at home (i.e., discussing an Assembly that had 'Skills' as a focus; discussing a specific class lesson; talking about a Skills Challenge done across school)?
Are you familiar with any of the monthly ‘Skills Challenges’ that have been undertaken by your child at school (to date, 3 different challenges have been done)?
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If you answered yes above, which of the following challenges were you familiar with?

As we further develop the importance of learning skills in school, which of the following things would help you to better support your child in discussing our skills when at home? Please select a preference from 'Would welcome', 'Might use' and 'Don't want', for each of the five suggestions.

Would Welcome
Might Use
Don't Won't
Home Learning Challenges based around a specific set of skills.
Existing home learning tasks always being linked to the skills they develop.
A page on the school website sharing pupil-made videos/photos of the skills in use.
A physical object featuring our skills framework (i.e., pamphlet)
A physical object featuring a QR code linked to our online skills site (i.e., bookmark/fridge magnet).
With regards to the school’s Skills Framework, do you have any further questions, queries or comments that would help us develop this area of our school?
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