Open Doors Exit Survey
Congratulations on completing your GED! Please take the time to fill out this brief survey and tell us about your experience at Next Generation Zone. We ask that you answer HONESTLY, this is anonymous and will help us improve our program for future students. Thank you!
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What program were you enrolled in? *
How long did it take you to complete your GED? *
How did you attend classes? *
If you did not attend classes, why? Check all that apply *
What did you enjoy MOST about your time at Next Generation Zone? Check all that apply *
What did you enjoy LEAST about your time at Next Generation Zone? Check all that apply *
Did you feel comfortable requesting help from at least one adult? *
Do you know who your Case Manager is? *
Did your Case Manager provide support to help remove barriers in your academic journey? *
Do you feel your Case Manager met your expectations?
Did you get connected with a Career Specialist? *
Did your Career Specialist provide support to help remove barriers in your post secondary journey? (college or work) *
Do you feel your Career Specialist met your expectations? *
Is there anything you else you would like to share with staff to improve the experience for future students? (Remember this is completely anonymous) 
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