Just 6 questions to get an idea of fashion in the school. Results are anonymous. 
Any questions come see Eco Club at lunch time on Wednesdays in B17 or email youensr01@stirlingschools.net
Thanks for your time! 😊
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About us
We are leading a sustainable fashion campaign called Dress to Waste Less in the school. 

We need your help to raise awareness of how we shop for fashion and how we can buy more sustainable and affordable clothes.

Keep a look out for new info and opportunities to buy more sustainable fashion this winter!
What year are you in? *
Where do you buy most of your clothes?  *
On a scale of 1 to 5 how likely are you to buy second hand clothes? *
What, if anything, would stop you from buying second hand clothes? *
On a scale of 1 to 5 how likely are you to donate clothes that you no longer wear?  *
What, if anything, would stop you from donating your old clothes? *
Would you like to be involved in our sustainable fashion campaign? If so type your email below or come to an Eco Club meeting in B17 on Wednesday Lunch time.
Everyone is welcome :)

Any comments or ideas?
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