826CHI Teen Writers Studio 2023-2024 Application 
Thanks for your interest in joining the 826CHI Teen Writers Studio for the 2023-2024 term! Please CAREFULLY complete this application. We look forward to hearing from you!

The Teen Writers Studio (TWS) is a space for rising teen writers and leaders to meet, write, and work collaboratively. We will also meet and learn from guest authors, artists, and cultural practitioners who will inform our writing and learning.

Please note: We are looking for high-school aged youth who can make the commitment to the year-long program. TWS meets over the course of the entire academic year and works towards a culminating publishing project that builds on all workshop sessions.


WHAT: Workshop sessions starting September 19th, 2023 and going until May 23rd, 2024
WHEN: Tuesdays AND/OR Thursdays from 4:00-6:00 PM
WHERE: 826CHI Writing Lab, 1276 N. Milwaukee Ave
WHO: up to 20 students in grades 7 through 12

TWS is led by Waringa Hunja, After School Teen Program Instructor.

Please email Director of Programs Liza Hale at liza@826chi.org once you have applied and feel free to reach out with any questions.
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Full Name *
Your Personal Email Address [NOT a CPS email] *
Are there any other names you go by?
What are some ways that TWS can support your learning and writing? *
Which neighborhood do you live in? *
What school do you attend?
Grade Level
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TWS has two sessions each week. Which day do you plan to attend? (You can attend one day or both) *
TWS LOCATION: This program takes place in Wicker Park. Do you find it easy to walk, take the bus, or get a ride home? If not, what supports would you need to attend the program and get home easily.
ACCESSIBILITY: Do you require any additional assistance to participate in this program such as physical assistance, support for a hearing or visual  impairment, learning difference, etc.? If so, please share to your level of comfort.
What is one goal that you have for yourself as a writer and as a person? How can TWS contribute to that goal? *
What is one thing you want to write/learn more about? *
What conversations demand attention but are often never talked about? Which of these discussions/topics would you like to have within TWS? *
We'll be working on a book project throughout the year. Do you foresee any conflicts that would get in the way of your commitment to attending our meetings every Tuesday OR Thursday? *
Example: sports, babysitting, other commitments
Have you participated in TWS in the past?
Thanks for applying to TWS 2022-2023. Is there anything else you'd like to share with us?
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