Xoogler.co Seattle: GTM - the thinking process of assessing the market and communicating your product with Stergios Dikos (virtual)
Join us as we welcome Stergios Dikos, to discuss Go to Market strategy principles and the thinking process of assessing the market you are working in and communicating your product effectively.

Stergios worked as an external consultant for Channel Sales in EMEA. He facilitated GTM workshops between Google and Strategic Partners such as PayPal with main focus on designing new propositions and bringing them to market.

This is a virtual meetup with the Seattle-area community that is open to all Xooglers to join and participate.

Looking forward to seeing you then!

Date: February 23th, 2021

Time: 5:30pm PST

Google Meet: link will be sent upon RSVP, prior to the meetup

Questions? Contact: Hadas Shahak <sh.hadas@gmail.com>, Chris Fong <chris@xoogler.co>, Ankit Jain <ankit@xoogler.co>

Review https://xoogler.co and www.angel.co/xooglers/syndicate for more information.

News Coverage on Xoogler.co
- cnbc.com/2018/05/01/xoogler-demo-day-2018-startup-pitches-from-former-google-employees.html
- https://www.businessinsider.com.au/inside-london-xoogler-pitch-da-ex-googlers-startups-80-eu-investors-2017-6
- www.wsj.com/articles/google-alumni-pitch-investors-at-xoogler-demo-days-1461092062
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