Register your Math Festival with JRMF
Thank you so much for registering your past or future math festival.

By registering your math festival with JRMF:
  • You have the option to post your event on our website with a custom url.
  • You'll receive our attendee registration template that you can use for your festival.
  • You'll help us document our impact and show the world the importance of sharing joyful math.
Even if your math festival has already taken place, we still want to hear from you! By filling out this form, you're helping us show donors, foundations, and grant makers that this work is worth funding. 

Please complete a separate registration for each event.
If you have many events to register, contact us at and we can help.

Not ready to host, but want more information?
Visit "Host a Festival" on our website or schedule a free math festival consultation today.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Section 1 of 5: Event Information
Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
Event Title 
Event Date *
Event Start Time
Event End Time
Event Time Zone *
Event City/Town *
Is your event being held at a school? *
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