Practice Exam Questions : Multiple Choice
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Question #1 : Which of the following is an example of a vector quantity? *
1 point
Question #2 : Which statement is true about the type of motion represented by the position-time graph shown below? *
1 point
Question #3 : Which of the following velocity-time graphs represents the motion of a ball thrown vertically upward (assume the ball has left the throwers hand)? *
1 point
Question #4 : How do you determine velocity from a position–time graph? *
1 point
Question #5 : If you launch a ball horizontally out of a window at the same time you drop a ball, which of the following things will happen? *
1 point
Question #6 : What is the net force acting on the following object: *
1 point
Question #7 : Which of the following is a measure of the force of gravity acting on an object? *
1 point
Question #8 : Which of the following is an example of a non-renewable energy resource? *
1 point
Question #9 : In which of the following examples is work being done? *
1 point
Question #10: Which statement(s) about the amount of work done on an object is (are) true? *
1 point
Question #11: Which statement about warmth and coldness is true? *
1 point
Question #12: How many changes of state are shown in this heating graph? *
1 point
Question #13: Which of the following accurately describes what happens to a wave after a free-end reflection? *
1 point
Question #14: What will happen as the following two waves interfere? *
1 point
Question #15: Which of the following devices is used to measure the potential difference across a load? *
1 point
Question #16: Current is measured as which of the following? *
1 point
Question #17: What does this circuit symbol shown below represent? *
1 point
Question 18 : A student pushes a 0.5 kg book across a table with an applied force of 2.9 while the opposing force of kinetic friction is 1.0N, what is the acceleration of the book? *
1 point
Question 19 : If a ball with mass 0.250 kg is thrown straight up into the air with an initial kinetic energy of 19.6 Joules, how high up will the ball travel? *
1 point
Question 20 : What are the four fundamental forces of the Universe? *
1 point
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