Your name (as you want it to appear in the program). *
Your answer
Parent's Name(s)
Your answer
Parent's Email Address *
Your answer
Current Grade *
In what way would your parent be interested in volunteering? *
Do you have ANY food allergies or restrictions? Please be as specific as possible. Please write n/a if it doesn't apply. *
Your answer
Do you have any medical issues or phobias we need to be aware of?
Your answer
Are you or your parent/guardian able to insure reliable transportation to and from all rehearsals and performances?
Clear selection
T-Shirt Size *
What major conflicts do you have August-November? You must list weekends that you are out of town/unavailable and reoccurring weekly obligations.
Your answer
Will you be in town the weekend of October 10-14 (fall break)?
Clear selection
You may have NO conflicts October 16-19, October 24- 27 or October 31. Do you understand this? *
What aspect of crew are you interested in working? *
Describe your previous theatre experience (if any) or life experiences that would help you on that particular team: *
Your answer
If you selected RUNNING CREW, do you understand that your call is that same as the cast after the first few weeks?
Clear selection
If you selected RUNNING CREW, what would make you an asset to the backstage team?
Your answer
Are you interested in a crew leadership position? If so please answer all the following questions IN DETAIL. Your answers will be taken into consideration when making selections.
Clear selection
If so, what position?
Clear selection
What are your qualifications for this position? What do you feel like you bring to the table?
Your answer
What have you done outside of LHS productions to better yourself for this position? (Volunteering, working other shows, research, etc.)
Your answer
How do you take initiative? How will you get others to take initiative?
Your answer
What would you like to see change on crew? What role would you play in that?