SoWashCo Bus ID Request Form
All eligible students who have opted in for student transportation to or from school are required to have an RFID student Bus ID to utilize general education busing services. If a student is eligible for transportation and requires a replacement Bus ID, please complete this form. Upon submission, and a review of eligibility, a replacement card will be issued and sent to the student's school office for distribution. 

Please note: Any newly registered student or recent Opt-In request will automatically be issued a bus ID within 5 days. Therefore, no form submission is needed.
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Email *
Your Name *
Are you a Parent/Guardian or School Staff? *
Student's LAST Name *
Student's FIRST Name *
Student's Grade  *
Student's School *
What is the reason for replacement? *
Please note: Any newly registered student or recent Opt-In request will automatically be issued a bus ID within 5 days. Therefore, no form submission is needed.
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