Gallery Gachet Membership Form
Gallery Gachet invites community residents, artists, cultural workers, individuals who have faced adversity as a result of mental illness and substance abuse, and those who identify with the Gallery Gachet Mandate to join our organization.

Members of Gachet receive benefits including, but not limited to, opportunities to contribute to the daily functioning of Gachet, participation in the annual Members Show and access to facilities.

Members of Gachet may partake in volunteering shifts at the gallery following the successful completion of the Volunteer Program Application and Volunteer Orientation during which the prospective volunteer is introduced to the organization. Members are welcome to participate in committee meetings and provide input on the development of the organization. Gachet membership is designed to give individuals access to the gallery setting without financial, experiential or ableist barriers.

Through membership, we are aiming to forge reciprocal relationships with our members based on our mutual admiration for artistic production and the Gachet mandate “Art is a means for survival.”
Email *
Name (including last name) *
Phone Number 
How did you hear about/become interested in Gallery Gachet? *
What is your interest in the intersection mental health, disability justice and art?  *
Do you identify as any of the following?
If you are an artist, what is your medium or the nature of your work? 
In what ways do you see Gallery Gachet supporting members and the community?  *
What kinds of programming and workshops would you like to see as new member of Gallery Gachet?
Are you interested in volunteering at Gallery Gachet?  *
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