講 員:柯貝爾牧師 Rev. Bill Crowder
3月21日 (星期四)
第 1 堂 :向上帝祈求智慧 (列王紀上第3章1-15節)
第 2 堂 :真智慧的彰顯 (列王紀上第3章16-28節 )
3月22日 (星期五)
第 3 堂 :何處是敬拜的所在?(列王紀上第6章、第8章54-61節)
第 4 堂 :你的靈命失衡了嗎?(列王紀上第4章20-34節、第11章、申命記第17章14-17節)
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洽詢專線: 02-25855340張姊妹。
2024. Mar. 21–22Time: 8:00-9:10 PM
Speaker: Rev. Bill Crowder
Contact number: 02-25855340
Topic: Solomon:
A thin line between wisdom and folly - Solomon with a conflicting personality
Sermon 1: Pray to God for wisdom (1st Kings 3:1-15)
Sermon 2: The manifestation of true wisdom (1st Kings 3:16-28)
Sermon 3: Where is the place of worship? (1st Kings ch.6, ch.8:54-61)
Sermon 4: Is your spiritual life out of balance?
(1st Kings ch.4:20-34, ch.11 Deuteronomy ch.17:14-17)
***Registration ends at 2024, Mar 14, we will send out the link through email on 2024, Mar 19.***
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