Association of Physician Membership Application
Membership types and fees as below
1. Ordinary members (Specialist in internal medicine iM or mmed in any iM discipline): 100,000 Tshs
2. Associate members (Residents in internal medicine and registrars in internal medicine): 50,000 Tshs

1. Fill this form - COMPLETELY
2. Payment option

Deposit the fees in a Aphyta Bank Account: 

Name: The Association of Physicians of Tanzania
Bank: NMB
Account Number: 20910032155

b. LIPA Number (tigo)
See picture below

3. Send the deposit slip (Evidence of transaction) electronically via Subject should be your name and phone number
4. You should receive an acknowledgment of payment (receipt and membership number)
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Email *
MCT number *
Name [First name, middle and surname] *
Phone number (format to use +255755xxxyyy) *
Gender *
Date of Birth *
Year qualified as physician (if physician)
Qualification *
Sub-speciality qualification. write none if you don't have a sub-speciality *
University/College - a list of your colleges and qualification attained may be outlined
Type of Membership being applied *
LIPA number payment
Acknowledgment and Certification
I have filled the form correctly and I hereby certify that the information contained in this application is true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

I declare to abide by the Constitution of the
Association and uphold APHYTA’s code of conduct

I consent for the publishing of my name as a member of the Association of Physicians in Tanzania
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