Managing Employee Performance
The Corporate & Continuing Education Center strives to provide excellent educational experiences in each class. Your evaluations are an important way for us to determine what is going well and what can be improved in each class. You may choose to remain anonymous.
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Class ITEM # (example: 9000)
Class start date *
Instructor's Last Name *
Training location *
How did you register for this course? *
Please rate your experience *
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
I had a successful registration experience
The instructor was knowledgeable of class content
The class content met my expectations
Overall, I am highly satisfied with this course
Course Objectives *
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
I am able to list and explain at least four theories of motivation
I am able to define the principles for effective and legally-defensible performance reviews
I am able to list the steps in a typical progressive discipline process and how “discipline without punishment” differs
I am able to describe the termination process and ways to protect an organization during terminations
I am able to to discuss various employee rights and their effect on the workplace
I am able to design employee recognition activities that motive improved performance
I am able to list factors leading to a high performance workplace
The most valuable aspect of the class was:
Is there anything you wish you had known before the class to make your experience better?
The class could be improved by:
What other classes would you like us to offer?
What schedule works best for you when selecting a class to attend? (check all that apply)
How did you hear about this class? *
Please add your first name and last initial if you give permission for us to use your comments in marketing materials.
(Optional) If you would like a team member to connect with you directly about your experience, please provide your email or phone number.
CONTACT:  |  425-267-0150
Everett Community College does not discriminate based on, but not limited to, race, color, national origin, citizenship, ethnicity, language, culture, age, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, pregnancy or parental status, marital status, actual or perceived disability, use of service animal, economic status, military or veteran status, spirituality or religion, or genetic information.
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