Customer Feedback Form
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Which one are you from the following? *
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What was your preferred mode of shopping this year? *
How often do you purchase from Shahnameh? *
How long have you been a Shahnameh customer? *
Select the social media platforms you follow us on. *
Which of the Brand's social media platform do you mostly get your updates from?
Do you visit Shahnameh on a sale promotion only or regularly? *
Which categories are you most interested in? *
What makes Shahnameh stand out from other retail brands? *
How fare are our prices compared to other retail brands? *
“Please rate the following on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being Very Satisfied and 1 being Very Dissatisfied.”
How satisfied were you with Shahnameh designs? *
Very Dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
How satisfied are you with the product purchased? *
Very Dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
How satisfied are you with the information provided on the web? *
Very Dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
How satisfied are you with the delivery services? *
Very Dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
How satisfied are you with the shopping experience online? *
Very Dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
How likely are you to recommend Shahnameh to your friends and family? *
Less Likely
Very Likely
Were you able to shop easily from the website? *
What mode of payment do you prefer while shopping online? *
What was the major issue you faced while shopping online at Shahnameh? *
What area would you like us to improve on? *
Help us improve your shopping experience with us!
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