Contact Form Questionnaire
   Thank you for your interest in Dwell Style Interiors. We're glad you are here! It is our goal to see that your design dreams unfold by making sure every last detail is covered in the design process!

 The following questions will help to provide us with some basic information before we talk with you. Once you have completed this questionnaire, click the submit button at the end and we will receive it. Then we will want to book a 15 to 30 minute Complimentary Call with Virginia Youngblood, CEO and Principal Interior Designer of Dwell Style Interiors, so that she can talk with you about your project.

Thank you and we look forward to making your design dreams come true!

In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
 Name (include spouse if applicable) (Required) *
Address: (Required) *
Phone Number (s) (Required) *
Email address for your spouse or partner   (Required) *
What is the address of the property/home we will be servicing?
What is your availability for a call from Virginia? Best time to communicate? Morning? Afternoon? Evening?
How did you find Dwell Style Interiors? *
If you selected 'Other' in the above, please give detais and your answer here:  Or if someone referred us and you selected 'Referral', please give their name here so we can thank them:
Have you worked with an Interior Designer before?
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Do you use Houzz or Pinterest for design inspiration? Check all that apply.
If you selected 'Other' please write what you use for finding design inspiration here: (Previous travels, Product catalogs, Magazines, Blogs, Nature, etc.)
What is the approximate  square footage of your home?
Which room(s) or space(s) are we updating during this project?
Approximate your project budget (Please note that our Luxury Full Service Design fee is per space/room and does not include the investment amount for furnishings, textiles, art, accessories, tile, countertops, backsplash, cabinetry, lighting, paint, etc.)
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If you selected 'Other' in the above, please write your project budget amount here: (if you don't know, it's okay if you're unsure.
What is your proposed time frame for completing the project?
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If you selected 'Other' in section above, please explain further here.
What kind of design assistance would make your life easier?  Please check all that apply.
Do you have any design style preferences? Mention these here.
Where do you currently shop for home furnishings and accessories?  If Online then which stores?
And finally, is there anything else we should know about you &/or your family that will help us to better enhance your design experience with us?  If so, please tell us here:
Thank you for your time in completing this contact form questionnaire.
We look forward to serving you.

 Virginia Youngblood
 CEO & Principal Designer 
 Dwell Style Interiors
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