Apex 1:1 Coaching Application
We are Muscle & Health Centric Approach for people who want to build lean muscle, lose fat, feel and look great. 

Before we begin, let's ensure we're a good fit. We dedicated to delivering results, but we work best with individuals who are truly committed to transforming in all aspects into their 2.0 self. 

If you're ready to put in the work, stay open to learning, and truly invest in your progress, then you're in the right place. However, if you're looking for a quick fix, this probably won't be the right fit.

The goal of this application is for us to learn about you, your fitness goals, and roadblocks that have held you back for too long so we can move you from where you are today to where ultimately you want to be.

Ready to see what you're truly capable of achieving?

Fill this out and let’s get started!

Please answer the following below only if you are serious about taking the next step and working with a coach.  
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Email *
Name - First and Last *
Phone Number *
Where are you from


What is your Instagram handle (if applicable)  *
Occupation: what you do for a living gives us context as to who you are and what lifestyle factors will be at play. Where/what do you do for work? *
Do you have experience working with an online coach? If so, please elaborate so we can get an idea of what you are looking for to make sure we are a good fit.  *
What are you interested in? *
Which of the following best describes your goal?
Do you have any pre-existing or history of injuries?
Please list if any!
Do you have any dietary restrictions? Can include allergies, food sensitivities and anything else.   *
Do you have any medical/health issues? Can include things such as high blood pressure, thyroid medication, pcos, TRT, etc. *
What is holding you back from reaching your goals - What are you currently frustrated with?    ?  *
How many years have you been resistance training for? *
 How would you rate your knowledge of nutrition? *
How serious are you about making a lifestyle change now? *
How comfortable are you with the tracking your food? *
Rank your mindset towards if you believe you can work through the issues you're struggling with.  *
Why is right now the time for you to take action with your goals?
Where do you see yourself in 6 months to a year if you do NOT take action right now?
Emotionally, how has your health and body image impacted you and your life?
 What are YOU going to do in order to make coaching successful?  *
What kind of support are you looking for from us in order for you to be successful?

What is the 2.0 version of you like? In other words, what would have changed and improved since achieving your goals and becoming this version of yourself?  
In order to see great results and long-term benefits of coaching, I understand enrolment may require at least a 6 month commitment. And this is dependent on your skills, needs and goals. It may take longer than you think.
Do you understand that there is no magic pill, juice cleanse, or tea and that hard work and commitment are required to achieve your fitness goals? *
I understand that in order to change my life I am can and able to make a financial investment in myself.
Is the decision to financially invest in your health and fitness your own to make? Or would you need to run the decision by your spouse/partner first if it is a good fit? 
How willing and able are you to invest, based on a monthly average, in solving your problem RIGHT NOW? *
When do you want to get started?
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you to help you reach your goals? Current level of stress, lifestyle, etc?
Why do you want to work with us? *
How did you hear about us?
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