Retroactive Grant Evaluation - Development Projects
To be used by Council members when evaluating submitted retroactive grants.
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Product Blueprint: Did the team successfully produce a high quality product blueprint? Do you think this product blueprint has positioned them for success in building out their actual product?  *
Poor quality product blueprint
Excellent product blueprint
The Project: How well did they describe their project and how this project will solve the stated problem?  *
Tehcnical Approach: How would you rate the technical approach to solving the problem and developing the product or service? Does the approach make sense?  *
Poor approach
Strong approach
Budget: Is the budget comprehensive and well thought through? Is the budget reasonable given the scope of the project?  *
Unreasonable and poorly done
Reasonable and well done
Milestones: Has the team identified the necessary milestones to get them to a successful launch?  *
Poorly identified milestones
Comprehensive milestone tracker
Challenges & Risk: Have any potential challenges and risks been adequately identified?  *
None identified
Challenges and risks have been well considered
Sustainability Plan: Does the team have a plan for longevity and sustainability of the product? How would you rate it ?  *
Poor plan
Excellent plan for sustainability
Pitch:How well was the presentation pitched? If you were a VC would you give them funding? 
Unprepared pitch
Excellent pitch presentation
Clear selection
Overall Sentiments:  What are your overall sentiments towards this project and what feedback to you have for the team as it relates to any of the above categories or otherwise. Please include sufficient detail so that the team can incorporate this feedback.  *
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