Contestant Cover Sheet Information
Information must be received by close of business day on Saturday, May 15, 2021
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Name *
First and Last Name
Address *
Street, City, State, Zip Code
Phone number *
Email *
Parents'/Guardians' Name *
Church *
Pastor *
Church’s 2021 NBC Congress of Christian Education receipt # *
If the church has not registered prior to submission of the paperwork, the contestant must email a copy of the registration receipt that has the contestants name on it by the day of the Oratorical Contest.
State Convention *
Convention President Name *
Convention President Email *
Congress President Name *
Congress President Email *
State Oratorical Director Name *
State Oratorical Director Email *
Location of Local Contest *
Date of Local Contest *
Date Contestant Anticipates Graduating from High School *
College or University the Contestant Plans to Attend *
Address of College or University the Contestant Plans to Attend *
Phone Number of College or University the Contestant Plans to Attend *
Website Address of College or University the Contestant Plans to Attend *
Date Classes Start at the College or University the Contestant Plans to Attend *
Field of Study *
Has the contestant received official notice of acceptance to the college or university they plan to attend? *
Verification of Information
State Youth Directors, State Convention President or Congress Presidents are asked to verify the accuracy of all information by emailing by May 15, 2021.
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