Testimonial request for explorer.land
explorer.land is a map-based platform to demonstrate the impact of your forest project. The goal of explorer.land is to help connect with donors, investors, and product buyers by combining exciting storytelling and data on an interactive map.

As an explorer.land user, your feedback is very valuable for us. With the following survey, we kindly ask you for a testimonial that reflects your experience working with OpenForests' explorer.land service.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Role and responsibility in your organization
Organization name
URL of your organization's website
Testimonial Question 1: Could we help solve your problems and satisfy your needs?
Testimonial Question 2: How would you evaluate explorer.land and its service?
Can we publish your testimonial with your name and a photo of you on the OpenForests and/or explorer.land webpages?
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