Emergent Phoenix Inquiry Form
Evvie would be grateful for you to assist them in connecting with you as efficiently as possible by completing this form with your contact information, interest, region, and your time availability. 
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Email *
Preferred Name & Pronouns and/or Organization Name *
What you go by or how you want to be called
Regional ZIP Code
Which of Emergent Phoenix's offerings interest you today?
check all that apply
For those contacting Emergent Phoenix about becoming a fiscal sponsor, sponsoring BIPOC scholarships, or making a large donation, please indicate that here.
What else would you like Evvie to know before reaching out to you? What other hopes do you have for this connection?
Your Time Zone (XXX) *
Emergent Phoenix collaborates with folks in Europe as well as North America. Sharing your time zone will assist us to connect at an appropriate and convenient time for you.
Time of day you prefer for a 30-60 minute video call.
Please select these times according to your own time zone. Choose as many boxes as apply to your availability. If you are only planning to order a tincture or tea without coaching or a consultation, you can skip this question.
If you are on a mobile device, scroll left to see all options.
Morning (8:30 AM - 11:00 AM)
Mid-day (11:30 AM - 1:00 PM)
Afternoon (1:30 PM - 4:00 PM)
Evening (4:30 PM - 7:00 PM)
Night (7:30 PM - 10:00 PM)
(Optional) How did you hear about Emergent Phoenix?
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