Register here for the July 20 Virtual Congressional Briefing on HR 3073, the "Community Mental Wellness and Resilience Act of 2023" 
This congressional briefing has already occurred.  However, if you complete the registration form below you will receive a link to a recording of the briefing and slides that shown.
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Do you work for a Member of Congress, Government Agency, Non-Profit, Private, or Civic Organization? (Please check appropriate box) *
If you work for a Member of Congress please write down their name and State or House District they represent.  *
If you work for a Federal, State, Regional or Tribal, or Local Government department or agency please state the name of the agency and the city and state where it is located.  *
If you work for non-profit, private, or civic organization please state the name, city, and state where it is located.  *
Please state your position or job title *
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