The Creative Penn Survey 2022
Hello Creatives, as I move into my next decade at The Creative Penn, I want to make sure that my books, podcast, and courses, are still useful for you — and that they keep me interested enough to carry on! 

Please complete this survey by end of Fri 7 October, 2022, and you'll be entered to win one of 3 prizes
— 1st prize: 1:1 consulting session with me (to be redeemed within a year)
— 2nd prize: One of my courses, whichever you'd like 
— 3rd prize: Signed print book, whichever you'd like 

Thank you!  
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What is your biggest challenge as an author? (Feel free to add more than one!) What do you need help with?
I've been blogging since 2008 and podcasting since 2009, and there are many more voices now in the author space. I want to make sure that I continue to be useful, and not just repeat the same thing others are doing.
What do you think The Creative Penn (and me as Joanna Penn) offer that is different to other author resources out there? What should I double down on? What should I do more of? 
I'm going to start live writing workshops (on zoom) for a limited number of people at a time. Which topics are you interested in? (You can select more than one or suggest something else).
Is there anything else you want to tell me? You can add a comment or a question or thoughts here. 
How do you consume my content? Check all that apply. *
If you want to be entered into the prize draw, please include your name and email here
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