Peace Corps Oral History Contact Form
If you served as a Peace Corps Volunteer, Peace Corps staff member (former or current), or as a host country national Counterpart and you would like to share the story about your service, please complete this contact information form. The Peace Corps Oral History team will be in touch with you to schedule an online interview with one of our experienced Returned Peace Corps Volunteer interviewers.

Interviews focus on the interviewee's years of service, but briefly cover pre-Peace Corps life, motivation to become involved with the Peace Corps, on-boarding process and training, and conclude with current activities and reflections. The length of interview is up to the interviewee, who is free to discuss whatever is important to them. However, interviews typically take over an hour.

Interviews will be recorded online using video conferencing technology. The collection of completed interviews will be made easily available to researchers and the general public through a free online public archive at the University of Kentucky Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History.

• You can learn more about the Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Oral History Archives Project here:
• You can learn more about the University of Kentucky Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History here:

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First name (and middle name if you like) *
Please use your legal name. If you go by a nickname you can put it in parenthesis.
Last name *
Email address *
Phone number *
What Peace Corps Volunteer program(s) were you involved with?
You can select more than one.
In which country(ies) and years did you serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer, Staff member, or Counterpart?
If you have served more than once then please list each country with its corresponding years of service (i.e. Namibia, 1990-1992; Philippines, 2011-2013).
What is your current state of residence?
This will help identify your time zone for scheduling the interview.
What is your mailing address? (optional)
Occasionally, we may need to send you forms or information related to your interview.
Do you have access to a device, such as a computer, smart phone, or tablet, that can connect to the Internet with a webcam and microphone?
If you do not have access to such a device we will work with you to find a solution.
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Many Faces of Peace Corps Project (optional)
During your service did you identify as a member of a non-majority group in the U.S.; for example, Black, African descent, Hispanic, Latinx, Asian, Pacific Islander, indigenous groups of the Americas, a religious affiliation, older citizen, or LGBTQIA+? Please describe as you wish and your interview will be included in the Many Faces of Peace Corps Project.
Peace Corps Early Terminations (optional)
Did your service end early due to the COVID-19 pandemic or for another reason? Please indicate the month and year you began your service as well as the month and year your service ended. If you were evacuated due to the coronavirus your interview will be included in the Peace Corps Evacuees collection at the Nunn Center. Please provide a brief description if your service ended early for a reason other than COVID-19.
Are you interested in becoming a volunteer Interviewer or Indexer after you have been interviewed?
An Indexer goes through completed interviews and time marks different topics to make researching easier. We are always looking for more Interviewers and Indexers to help grow our collection of Peace Corps stories and to provide a broader base of support in connecting with Returned and Evacuated Volunteers.
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Is there any additional information you would like to share?
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