Welcome to The Safe Space on Expectful
At Expectful, we want to talk about the things people don't talk about enough—the uncomfortable, the unexpected, the real. Share your experiences with us, either using your name or choose to be anonymous. Your response may appear in a future Expectful article or social post. Let's get the conversation started! 

Question of the week: Expectful writer Allison Tsai was not someone who was comfortable baring it all in public—until she gave birth. After struggling with breastfeeding, she was shocked when she realized one day that she was sitting around topless in the middle of her pediatrician’s office without a second thought. (Read her full story here.) We want to know: what was the most out-of-character thing you found yourself doing as a brand-new mom? Did it change you forever or was it just one of those postpartum things?
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Question of the week: What was the most out-of-character thing you found yourself doing as a brand-new mom? Did it change you forever or was it just one of those postpartum things?
Do we have your permission to share your response in an Expectful story or social post? (If you don't provide us with a name, we will post under "anonymous.") *
How old are you? *
Where do you live?  *
How many kids do you have? What ages?  *
Your name 
(Only provide your name if you are ok with us using it when publishing your response.)
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