Tell the UMich Board of Regents: Stop the Repression of Pro-Palestine Activists! 
The movement for divestment from apartheid and genocide has grown with every bomb dropped on Gaza. So has the University of Michigan Board of Regents' campaign of criminalization against pro-divestment organizers:

U-M President Santa Ono and the Board of Regents are leading an unprecedented campaign of mass repression against pro-Palestine activists, using police violence, criminal charges, and internal disciplinary processes to deter the movement, despite overwhelming support for divestment on campus. 

This open letter is to communicate clearly to the Regents: Drop the Charges and Divest Now! 

There is strength in numbers: add your name to this 
open letter to show the campus and community stand united against the Regents authoritarianism.  

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Examples: PhD Candidate in Higher Education; GEO; Community-based Organization, etc.
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