Free Friday Funday Registration 2nd Semester 2024
Event Timing: Most Fridays this school year
Event Address: Dolores School Cafeteria
Contact us at (605) 659-1540 or
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Email *
Student's Name *
Student's Birthdate *
Student's grade this school year and teacher *
Parents'/Guardians' name(s) *
Parent's/Guardian's Email *
Parent's/Guardian's Email *
Parent's/Guardian's Phone Number *
Emergency Contact phone number and email. Must be different from parent/guardian contact information. We will only use this contact if the parent/guardian(s) are not responding. *
What days will you attend? *
Dietary restrictions *
Walk/Bike policy
All students walking or biking home must exit the front of the building, walk along the sidewalk on campus, and cross only at designated crosswalks.

Each morning, please make sure your child knows how they are getting home that day. Students are allowed to check for parent text messages only at the end of the day. You are welcome to call Ellen Werner with any messages about changes.

Thank you for helping us ensure your child’s safety!

My child has permission to walk/bike home after Free Friday Fundays. *
Free Friday Funday Policies:
Students should arrive at the cafeteria no later than 8:20 and be picked up or dismissed (walk/bike home) by 12 pm each Friday. Parents must come in with their student(s) to sign them in and check them out. We will be loading the buses and leaving for field trips at 8:30 sharp. If you arrive after 8:20 your student will need to go home with you as no one will be at the school to supervise them. If you arrive to pick your student up more than a half hour late more than once your child will not be permitted to come back to Free Friday Fundays. If an emergency arises and you know that you will not be able to arrive on time, call or text Ellen Werner at (605)659-1540 ASAP!

UPDATE: If your student was sick on Thursday, they cannot come to Friday Funday. We want to stop the spread of illness especially with the mixed groups we get on Fridays. We also want to make sure everyone has ample time to feel better after being sick. Thank you for keeping your student(s) home if they are sick. 

Shopping on Field Trips
All field trips are covered under Free Friday Funday funds, thus you will not be asked to pay for them. However, you may send money with your student when we go on field trips to use at gift shops or on snacks.
Student Behaviors
Students may be removed from Free Friday Fundays at any time due to behaviors, late pick up, or at the discretion of administration.

Student Expectations
Students are expected to follow all Dolores School District expectations. This program is provided by the Dolores School District, thus expectations are the same for all students both on school days and Fridays.

Cell Phone Policy
Cell phones are allowed at Friday Fundays but may be taken away if they are not being used in a school appropriate way.  They will be returned at the end of Friday Funday. If a phone is taken away two Fridays in a row, families will be contacted and the cell phone will not be allowed at Friday Funday or will have to be held onto by a teacher and returned at the end of the day. 

I have read the Free Friday Funday policies and agree to follow them. *
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