Chemistry Call with Julia Balto
This application is for a FREE 30 min consult. 

It helps me to know where you are currently,  where you'd like to be, and how you want to feel getting there. The more honest and open you can be, the better I know what kind of support you're looking for and if we'd be a good fit.

Filling out this application does not guarantee we will work together nor does it lock you into working with me. This application is a way to explore how I might best be able to support you. I'm so glad you're here.

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First and Last Name *
Pronouns *
Email Address *
Are you feeling stuck in some area of your life right now? *
Have you ever worked with a therapist, coach, or hypnotist before? *
What modalities or style of relationship did you find most supportive and effective? Least? *
What area(s) of your life are you wanting support in? (Check all that apply) * *
Tell me a little about you. How do you spend your time? What do you do for work? How are you feeling? *
If you could wave a realistic, magic wand, what would you like to see 6 months from now? How would you like to feel, think, and talk to yourself? Out of all the areas you'd like for us to work on, what feels most important right now? *
What's slowing you down, standing in the way, or stopping you from being there now? There's no such thing as TMI here and it's also okay to only elaborate to the degree to which you feel comfortable.
What do you think needs to shift or change for this to happen? *
What makes you excited about working with me? *
What is your ideal mentorship relationship? If you were to hire me, what would you want this support to look like in your life? *
Schedule Your Chemistry Call with the link below. ***IMPORTANT*** Copy and paste the link below into a new tab - don't forget to submit this form before you leave!).
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