Exercise motives for choosing a master
There could be various reasons to decide to continue your studies by choosing a master. If you are conscious what your reasons are to continue studying, it is easier to find a master or study that meets your needs. Here you find the most common reasons:
1. I would like to broaden my knowledge and skills I gained from my bachelor studies with additional (interdisciplinary) knowledge and skills.
2. I would like to specialize or deepen my knowledge and skills of a certain area of the field I have studied
3. I would like to retrain myself for another field
4. I want to develop myself further to increase my opportunities for an interesting career
5. For me, it is far too soon to start working (of: I would like to postpone my entry on the labour market); I still like the student’s life too much.

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Which (one or more) of the above motives apply to you? Do you (also) have another motive for wanting to continue studying? Note all your motives in concrete terms:
What does that mean the kind of study your looking for? What criteria do you have? Brainstorm at least with two people in your direct environment about it:
What kind of learning environment would meet your needs and help you to reach your goals, considering your motives. A master? Hbo or wo? Postbachelor/professional training? Courses? Or a traineeship?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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