English for communication 
Total points18/20
Direction : Choose the best answer

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Reading the story and answer the questions below.

    Tom has been worried all the week. Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local police. In the letter he was asked to call at the station. Tom wondered why he was wanted by the police, but he went to the station and now he is worried any more. At the station, he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle has been found. Tom was most surprised when he heard the news. He was amused too, because he never expected the bicycle to be found. 
It was stolen five years ago.
1. What was Tom asked to do last Tuesday?

2. What surprised Tom?


Reading the story and answer the questions below.

Man:  Where did you go on holiday?

Woman:  Well. We booked tickets to go to Spain but then I got a new job and we              couldn’t go.

Man:   Oh! What a pity!      

Woman:  Well. We went to Scotland for the weekend. That was nice and we’re going to go to Portugal for a week at Christmas.

3.The speakers are generally talking about.....

4. What was the reason the woman missed going to Spain?

5. Which of the followings is true?


What is the conversation about?

Man:          Did you have good weather in Italy?

Woman:       Well. It was good for December. It was cold but sunny.

Man:          Did it rain?   

Woman:       No, it didn’t. It was dry.


7. What’s true about the weather in the conversation?


8. According to the conversation, we could infer that                   .

9.  I will call you as soon as I ………… .

10. John never has any money. He has a good salary, but he’s always borrowing money, “Where does it go?” asks his mother. “Don’t ask me, says John, “All I do is buy online clothes, go to hang out at the cafe and eat in the restaurants.”


11. You want to borrow your friend’s dictionary. You ask, “ ………… ”


12.  Situation :  In the classroom.

 A: What’s your favourite food?

B: …………………………………………….

13. Situation: At the market.
A: I want a bag of candies. How much are  they?
B: ………………………………………………….

14. Situation: At the classroom.
Teacher says, “Can I have your name, please?”
What should you say?


15.  A doctor recommended ( แนะนำ) you to reduce (ลด) unhealthy food.

What kind of food should you take less?


Adam : Hello, Sue. What are you doing?

Sue: Hello, Adam. I’m writing the letter to my friend.

Adam: Um…. I want to write the letter to my uncle. Where’s the pen?

Sue: It’s next to the book.

Adam: Oh, thank you.

16.  What is Sue doing?


17.   A: What does Adam want to do?

      B: ………………..

18.  Mary and Daniel are having a picnic.

Mary: Can you pass the cola, please?

Daniel: Sure. Here you are.


19.  Situation: In the classroom.

Adam is late for the class. He wants to get in the classroom.

Adam: Excuse me. …………………..

Teacher: Yes, you may.

20.  Situation: In the classroom.

Joe: What subject do you like most?

Jim: English subject because it’s fun.

Joe:_____________.Because A lot of foreigners visit our province and I like talking to them. 

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