Mythical Manifestations Application
About the Show:
This show theme is "cryptids". A cryptid is a creature that is found in stories and that some people believe exists or say they have seen, but that has never been proven to exist. Artworks could display a cryptid already known, or create your own. These do not have to be scary! This is all about storytelling. Artwork could be traditional 2D format, sculpture, short story, zines, etc.

This show is open to all.
We are able to host 2D and 3D works. Any video/audio can be discussed. 
Artists can submit up to 3 different pieces, though space is very limited. Based on interest, we may have to restrict the exhibition to one piece per artist. 
All artwork must be framed or have proper hardware to display.

Hatch Hollow will recieve 20% commission for any artwork sold from the exhibition. 

The Gallery Opening for Mythical Manifestations will be on Friday, October 18th, 2024 from 5-8PM
Gallery on view until November 30, 2024

The items listed below must be received through this form or via email to by October 1st, 2024 to be considered for the exhibition.


Submission Fee Submitted Online at - $15 (one fee for up to 3 pieces)
Artist Statement or Description of Work(s)
Contact Info
Email 1-3 Images, plus measurements (Images MUST be the works you intend to exhibit in the show) to

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Address (where you will be coming from or shipping artwork from) *
Phone Number *
Artist Website and/or Social Media Handles
Write artist statement/description of work here, or email to along with 1-3 images of each piece you are submitting to the Allegheny Alumni Show. 
Have you paid the submission fee? *
DISCLAIMERS: Artwork(s) are selected based solely on the artwork submitted. The curator reserves the right to make the final decision on all artwork exhibited. Gallery space is assigned by the curator. Submission of artwork does not guarantee exhibition at Hatch Hollow. It is at the discretion of the curator what artwork is accepted for exhibition at Hatch Hollow. If the artwork is accepted, the artist(s) will be asked to sign an official, standard artist contract in order to exhibit at Hatch Hollow. The contract between the artist(s) and Hatch Hollow will cover information such as but not limited to, commission, shipping, insurance, artist and gallery expectations, etc. *
How did you hear about the show?
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