JS Wellness Survey # 2
Dear Families and Students,

As we move through the weeks in distance learning, we would like to check in with you again. You may notice that some of the questions are similar to the first survey. However, since this is a follow up, this questionnaire is brief.

Your answers will be seen by your counselor/school psychologist, and will be read with the sole purpose of guiding towards support.

Thank you for taking the time,
The JS Student Support Team
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Your full name and email *
First and last Name of child(ren) *
Please add the grade of your child after each name that you list.
Are you currently dealing with the loss of and/or care of a loved one?
Please share any additional information about your child(ren) and/or any special needs during distance learning.
How are your children feeling during distance learning?
Child 1 is the first child you listed in the second question above. Child 2 is the second child you listed, etc.                      Please Please click all that apply for each child.
Doing okay!
Doing Great!
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3
Child 4
Has your child(ren) been able to connect with peers (eg., FaceTime, phone, chats, etc.) since engaging in distance learning?
Are you able to easily access the "EMOTIONAL SUPPORT: RESOURCES & INFORMATION" section in the Junior School Newsletter? *
Would you or your child like a follow up with your Counselor/School Psychologist?
請勿利用 Google 表單送出密碼。
這份表單是在 United Nations International School 中建立。