Outstanding New Member
This award is presented to an outstanding new member (one year or less in the Jaycees). Recipient will be selected by the Special Awards Committee appointed by the State President. Please answer as many questions as possible, keeping in mind that more information will better assist in making a final determination.
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Nomination submitted by: *
E-Mail Address: *
Phone #: *
Nominee: *
Chapter: *
Nominee's Phone #:
Nominee's E-Mail Address:
What responsibilities did the nominee take on as a Jaycee member? *
How did this member’s contributions benefit his or her local Jaycee chapter? *
What work has the nominee done in the community? How has this work benefited the community? What have they done in the community (working on or chairing projects) for other organizations in which they are involved? *
Describe the member’s participation in events/projects in his or her chapter. *
How does the nominee exemplify the Jaycee values in Jaycee activities? *
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