Are you interested in our "Steering Toward Success" Workshops?
Exceptional Family Resource Center invites you to "embark on a cruise" (series of IEP skills workshops).  Each month, we will focus on a specific, practical skill that will help you confidently "take the helm" (be meaningfully involved) in the development of an IEP.  

There will be 9 "ports of call" (sessions) starting in September and ending in May.  Those who complete all 9 sessions will receive a "Cruise Card" (certificate).  

All sessions will be available in English and Spanish.  Other languages and accommodations are available with advance request.  

Please email for more information about EFRC's services and supports.
Or you may leave a message at 619-594-7383.
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EFRC Special Education Parent-to-Parent Training
Email address *
First and last name *
Mobile phone  *
Zip code *
Child's education status?  (For those with multiple children, please check as many as apply).
What kind of session would you choose?
How would you rate your level of experience with 504 plans and IEPs? *
Seaman/Seawoman Apprentice
Master Mariner
What is your level of motivation and commitment to improve your knowledge of educational supports as well as enhance your advocacy skills? *
You'll need to make me walk the plank.
Ahoy! I'm 100% aboard!
If you will require a specific accommodation or interpretation into any language/mode other than Spanish, please enter it below.
Thank you for your input.  If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to enter them below.  You may also reach out directly to
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