Chicago:Blend: VC Sign Up
Our VC Supporters are local Chicago venture firms who have agreed to support Blend by collecting data from their portfolio companies and supporting future DEI initiatives.

If you are a venture firm with more than $5M under management, actively making investments in Chicago, and would like to be a supporter, please fill out this form. If you meet these qualifications, we'll follow up via email.

All VC Supporters will be listed publicly on the Chicago:Blend website:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Are you a venture firm with more than $5M under management and actively making investments in Chicago? *
Firm Name *
Your Name *
Your Email *
Firm's Twitter Handle *
Name and email of main point of contact for Blend communication at your firm: *
Are there others at your firm who would like to be on the Blend distribution list? If so, include their names and emails below. *
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