MSL Junior Coach Application (< age 18)
MSL Junior coaches are assigned classes to instruct during our LTS group lesson time on Sunday evenings. This is a paid position. In addition, junior coaches have the ability to coach private lessons on MSL private ice. MSL Junior Coaches are only permitted to coach private lessons to MSL skaters on MSL private ice and are not permitted to coach private at another facility unless they are also contracted with that club. Age, experience and past evaluations will be considered when reviewing applications. Junior Coach coaches will work with primary coaches during the season and will also have an evaluation completed by their primary coach. Coaching guidelines and those specific to the junior coach role will be provided before the start of the season and the junior coach will need to review and agree to those guidelines before any coaching begins.

Junior Coach (under age 18) Requirements
  1. Full Club Member
  2. Minimum 1 year as a LTS Coach
  3. Age 16 by Oct 1st
  4. Minimum of passing juvenile moves in the field and preliminary free skate or all 3 bronze dances
  5. Required Learn to Skate Instructor Membership
  6. Required Learn to Skate Instructor Certification
  7. Recommended Coach Liability Insurance (required if teaching private lessons)
  8. Required to coach a minimum of one LTS group class per session
Additional Requirements for coaching at competitions or test sessions
  1. Required USFSA Coaching Core
  2. Required USFSA Figure Skating Code of Ethics, Waiver and Release, Medical Consent and Name & Likeness Release 
  3. Required Coaching Liability Insurance 
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Email *
First & Last Name
Phone #
Age by Oct 1st
Club Membership
I am currently in
Do you have a Learn to Skate USA Instructor Membership? This IS required by USFSA for LTS Junior Coaches < age 18. *
Have you completed the Learn to Skate USA Certification Course? This IS required by USFSA for LTS Junior Coaches < age 18.
Do you plan on coaching private lessons?
Do you have Coach Liability Insurance? This is required per USFSA for Junior Coaches teaching private lessons or taking skaters to competitions or test sessions.  *
Please list the highest test past for the following:
Moves in the Field, Freestyle & Dance
Tell us why you would like to become a Junior Coach.
If selected, please tell us when you are available to coach. We will take in to consideration classes you are taking with MSL when scheduling. Please include times you are available for group lessons as well as private lessons if that is your intent.
Are you available to coach for the duration of the 24-25 skating season,  October thru March including the Ice Show.
Please list any figure skating camps you have attended in the past 2 years.
If you take private lessons, please list any current and previous coaches.
Please describe your involvement in MSLFSC sponsored events (i.e. parades, fundraisers such as wreath sales, dine to donate, mum sales, skate-a-thon, roger cinema sales, Kwik Trip car wash sales).
Personal figure skating goals (check all that apply)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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