Feedback on Hive rebrand
Thank you for taking the time to provide your opinions on our new design! Please will be reading and considering all feedback and suggestions for improvement.

If you have any other questions or concerns, you can also contact us at
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First Impressions: What was your first impression of our new logo?
Hated it
Loved it
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Brand Perception: How well do you think the new brand identity represents our organization?
Not at all
Very well!
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Brand Clarity: How clear is the messaging in our new brand identity?
Very unclear
Very clear
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Is there anything else we can do to improve the quality of the content that we distribute?
Overall Satisfaction: Overall, how satisfied are you with the changes we have made to our logo and brand?
Very unsatisfied ☚ī¸
Very satisfied 😁
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Please share any additional comments or suggestions you have about our new brand identity.
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