M4 Mellor Student Questionnaire

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

At Lockleys North Primary School we are committed to fostering positive relationships and interactions as well as strengthening learning partnerships. Open communication between families and school staff benefit all in meeting emotional, social, physical and academic needs of our learners.

We view students as capable and competent learners in both home and school environments.  The following leading questions provide families with an opportunity to share valuable insights with your child’s educators.

We appreciate your time and cooperation in sharing this information with us and look forward to engaging with you throughout the year.

Our first formal opportunity to discuss your child’s needs will be during Learning Conferences, however parents/caregivers are welcome to contact staff at any stage of the year to arrange a meeting or conversation as necessary.

Kind Regards,

Lockleys North Primary School Staff
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Student Name
Parent/Caregiver Name
How would you describe your child’s personality?
What do you see as your child’s strengths at home?
Outside of school we enjoy…
My child learns best by…
What motivates your child?
What frustrates your child?
What social, physical or emotional skills would you like your child to continue to grow?
What technology does your child access at home? (e.g. iPad / computer / internet)
Is there anything else you’d like to share? (health, religious/cultural considerations, significant events, custody/family arrangements/holiday plans)
Occasionally we need parental permission for students to watch a PG rated DVD / program.   Do you give consent for your child to participate in such viewing?
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Parent Signature (Write Name)
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