Newsies Auditon Form 


Show:   Newsies

Director: Lara Emerson, Phone: (904) 887-0614, E-mail:
Assistant Director: TaraLynn Semanski, Phone: (208) 313-6843, E-Mail:
Music Director: Cora Rowe, Phone: (804)384-1435, E-mail:
Producer: Mark Emerson, Phone: (904) 874-8727, E-mail:

Show Location:  Mathews High School
Show Dates:  April 18-19 & 25-27, 2025               
Rehearsals Begin:  Thursday, January 9, 2025   
Rehearsal Location:  Newington Baptist Church, 6169 Main St., Gloucester

Rehearsal Schedule/Info: Sundays 2:00-4:00 p.m., Mondays and Thursdays 6:30–9:00 p.m. through April 4. Daily rehearsals at the performance venue start April 7. A calendar will be distributed at rehearsals. Schedule is subject to change based on weather and other circumstances. Mask wearing and social distancing is required at rehearsals if you are feeling sick. Please be courteous to your fellow cast and crew.  

Email *
First Name (please list preferred name as well)
Last Name
Date of Birth
Mailing Address (Please include City, State and Zip)
Actor Phone Number (123-456-7890)
Actor Email
Parent Name (Under 18)
Parent Phone Number (123-456-7890)
Parent Email
Height (Feet and Inches)
Vocal Range
Don't know range
For a list of the characters in the show, please see the Character List at this link:
In what role(s) are you interested? 
Will you accept another role? 
The characters of Jack and Katherine need to kiss on stage. If you are interested in one of those roles, are you comfortable performing a kissing scene? 
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The characters of Jack, Crutchie and Katherine will act on a balcony about 8 feet above the stage. Are you comfortable with heights like this?
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Are you willing to play a male character? 
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Are there any characters or types of roles you are unwilling to play? 
Are you willing to sing a solo?
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Are you willing/able to dance?
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Have you had any dance training? 
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If you answered Yes - Please list style(s)
Do you have any training in the following areas?
If you answered yes to any - Please provide details (styles, years, etc.) 
Do you have any other special talents or training?  *

Is there anything else you feel we should know about you/your child (allergies, physical/emotional/medical conditions, etc.)? 


Can you make a 5:30 p.m. call time for the Thursday Dress Rehearsal and Friday show dates?     

Past theatrical experience, including non-acting jobs (Don’t worry, “none” is okay!): *

Please check below with what you will be willing to help, even if you don’t get a part (actors & their family/friends):

Please write down any days/dates when you will not be available between Jan. 9, 2025 and April 27, 2025:  *

Note For All Production Participants:

We welcome you to Court House Players and hope, if you are selected, you enjoy your part in this production. As an all-volunteer, family-oriented, community theater group, we at CHP believe that being willing to help out when there’s a need is what theater is all about, so we expect all participants in a production to serve in various capacities, as needed. Actors may be asked to help build or paint sets, provide parts of their costume or some of their props, or distribute posters to advertise the show. A backstage worker might find themself dragged on-stage to be an extra body, or maybe even a principal character.
Everyone involved with a show is expected to help strike the set after the final performance. In addition to being appreciated by the set builders and other technicians, it’s a great way to bring closure to what we hope will be an important and rewarding experience for you. 
Finally, all participants in a show are required to join CHP for the low annual membership rates of $10 for students, $15 for individual adults, and $25 for families.  If this constitutes a hardship, please speak to the director or producer. 
Volunteer hours can be used to offset future membership renewals. Additionally, any cast, crew or other volunteer aged 18 and older will be required to submit information for a background check in order to ensure the safety of our participants, especially children.

Please sign below to indicate that you have read this notice.  

Typing your name (and your child's name, if applicable) below acknowledges that you (both) have read and agree to the above.

A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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