Support LHS Drama!
The Pacer Drama Parent Club is dedicated to providing LHS students with the best possible theatrical experience. One important mission is raising funds for our Black Box Theater - for updated equipment, materials, etc. - and maintaining a "rainy day fund" for urgent production issues or student needs. 

Contributions of any amount are welcome and donations of $150 or more include a personalized plaque on a Black Box chair. 

Your donation is tax-deducible. Please refer to your payment receipt from LHS for tax info.
Thank you for supporting Pacer Drama!

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Email *
First & Last Name *
Phone Number *
Mailing Address *
Donation Amount
Payment Method (Choose One)
Online payment link or check payment instructions will be provided in confirmation message
Program Listing 
Please indicate how you would like to be listed in LHS Production Programs (ex: "Jane Smith", "Smith Family"). 

If you would prefer to have your gift remain anonymous, enter "Anonymous".
Chair Plaque (for donations $150+)
What would you like to have engraved on your chair plaque? (example "Jane Smith", "Smith Family"). Each plaque: Maximum 48 characters, including spaces.

If you are donating $300 or more and would like multiple chairs, please answer "Plaque 1: Jane Smith", "Plaque 2: Jeff Smith", etc. (each chair $150)

If you would like your gift to remain anonymous (no chair), please enter "Anonymous".
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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