Help us see why you would be the best person to organize an N2 Women event at this conference!
Name (First Last) *
Your answer
Gender *
Email *
Your answer
Affiliation *
Your answer
Occupation *
Advisor (if applicable)
Your answer
URL to a current copy of the resume *
Your answer
Are you a member of N2 Women? *
Just became a member
A description of any activities you have been involved with to improve the status of women in computing *
We'd love to find out what organizations and activities you are already contributing to.
Your answer
A description of any events that you helped organize *
If you have prior experience organizing events large or small, let us know.
Your answer
A list of potential invited speakers or topic ideas for the N2 Women meeting *
Please give this question some thought. How do you envision your N2 Women meeting? What will the meeting attendees get out of it?
Your answer
Additional comments
Designated senior members of N2 Women organization carefully read every application submitted via this form. If there are additional things that you'd like us to take into consideration when evaluating your application, please note them here.