Cat Surrender Application

All surrenders will be subject to a surrender fee and can be up to $500 per cat depending on circumstances. This will be determined by the board. 

Please be aware that we’re a network of foster homes and volunteers without a shelter building, and with limited resources. As a result we might not be able to take your animal into our care. 

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Animal Details
Name *
Age *
Breed *
Gender *
Weight *
Spayed or Neutered *
Microchipped or Tattoeed *
Where did you get your cat from, and when?

If not from a rescue, why did you not get your cat from a rescue?

Owner Details
Name *
Phone Number *
Address *
Email Address (We will be contacting you by this address) *
Are you the owner? *
Reason for surrender? *
Do you have vaccination records? *
When was the last vet appointment? *
List of all medical problems (if any) *
Food allergies (if any) *

Areas of problems for your cat? (Check all that apply)


How is your cat with dogs? (ie. hides, plays, friendly, attacks)

How is your cat with children? (ie. playful, loving, hides) 


How is your cat with other cats? (ie. friendly, hides)

Describe your cats nature? (ie. friendly, timid, ornery, playful) 


How does your cat react to strangers? (ie. hissing, hides, enjoys the company) 


Any other pertinent information?

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