NEFC 2025 Workshop Proposal Submission 

Event Information

The New England Fathering Conference (NEFC) Planning Committee will be hosting our 25th annual event in Connecticut at the beautiful Mystic Marriott Hotel & Spa, March 19 - 21, 2025. This year's conference theme is Legacy. Legacy is the long-lasting impact of events, actions, etc. that took place in the past, or of a person’s life. As the NEFC celebrates our 25th anniversary we look back with pride at what we've accomplished through fellowship and the sharing of information across our region, and we look ahead with excitement at the role we can still play to ensure a legacy of supporting fathers and families in our systems, agencies and as individual professionals.

This educational event for professionals brings human service providers, social workers, health professionals, educators, program directors, state and federal representatives, family advocates and fathers in programming across the region together to learn and share information and experiences, as well as the opportunity to network within and across states. As in the past, we are committed to featuring a talented, diverse array of speakers and presenters who will inspire and challenge attendees. The conference encompasses four arenas:
  • Dads and Family/Community
  • Dads and Health
  • Dads and Education
  • Dads and Systems

Workshop Content

The NEFC Planning Committee is searching for professionals who are committed to father engagement and would like to share their expertise and experience to enhance our work and expand interstate networks.

Workshop proposals should align with this year’s conference title/theme and one of the four arenas as outlined above and be relevant to the work/lives of conference attendees.

Sessions should address topics including, but not limited to program design and implementation; recruitment and retention of fatherhood program participants; program evaluation; research from the fatherhood field; prevention/early intervention; agency collaboration/leveraging resources; parenting; co-parenting; healthy relationships; child development; domestic violence prevention; trauma-informed service provision; cultural humility/responsiveness and working with diverse groups; LGBTQIA+ parents/children; parents/children with special needs; employment; education; health (mental/emotional/physical); community violence prevention; addiction; incarceration/re-entry; etc. 

Workshop topics and information provided should be applicable no matter in which state the session participant works or resides.

Workshop Format

Each workshop will be two (2) hours in length and should provide hands-on information for the participants to use when working with noncustodial/nonresident parents, custodial/resident parents and family men who play a paternal role for the children in their lives.

Workshops must be interactive, not strictly lecture. The Committee is particularly interested in workshops targeted to one perspective (i.e., a workshop specifically for dads/family men, or a session to assist practitioners with a certain aspect of programming such as evaluation).

Workshop Presenter Information:

· Workshops are limited to a total of two presenters, ONLY
· If selected, registration fee is waived for the individual identified as the primary presenter only
· If a co-presenter is identified, they must pay a discounted registration fee of $225.00
· No additional honorarium is available for presenters
· Presenters are responsible for their own travel/accommodations
· Presenters who are published or have merchandise for sale are prohibited from selling items directly; all publications/items must be sold through the NEFC book vendor.

Form must be completed in one sitting, it cannot be saved and completed at a later time.  Applicant may cut and paste from a word document if necessary.

All presenters must submit their resume along with the completed proposal form to be considered. Resumes must be emailed to by Friday, October 4, 2024.

No other formats will be accepted. Any questions, email

Presenters will be notified via email whether your submission was accepted by Friday, November 22, 2024

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Which Conference Arena does this Workshop Cover? (Select one) *
Content Level of Presentation (Select one) *
Select target audiences for your workshop. *
Complete Title of Workshop (for print in conference materials - 50 characters or less) *
Three (3) Learning Objectives for Workshop *
Summary of Workshop (to be included in conference materials- 300 characters max) *
Presenter 1 Name (First, Last) *
Presenter 1 Organization (Please do not use acronyms, write out full name) *
Presenter 1 Organization's Full Address (street, town, state, zip code) *
Presenter 1 Contact Email *
Presenter 1 Contact Phone Number *
Presenter 1 Bio (brief- 300 characters maximum) *
Relevant Experience of Presenter 1 to This Topic (Have you presented this before, when and where) *
Is Presenter 1 published? 
Clear selection

Title of Published Work: (If Presenter 1 is published and has authored publications that you wish to sell at the conference - please list full information for the books/materials here so that we can inform the NEFC Resource Vendor to have a supply available for sale during the event. Presenters may not sell their books/resources directly; you must go through the NEFC Book Vendor.)

Professional Reference for Presenter 1: please list one professional contact who is familiar with your experience as a presenter.  Include name, organization and email. *
Presenter 2 Name (First, Last)

Presenter 2 Organization (Please do not use acronyms, write out full name) *
Presenter 2 Organization's Full Address (street, town, state, zip code) *
Presenter 2 Contact Email *
Presenter 2 Contact Phone Number *
Presenter 2 Bio (brief- 300 characters maximum)
Relevant Experience of Presenter 2 to This Topic (have you presented this before, when and where)
Professional Reference for Presenter 2: please list one professional contact who is familiar with your experience as a presenter.  Include name, organization and email. *
Which days of the conference are you available to present? (Check all that apply) *
Audio/Visual Needs - 

NEFC will provide A/V equipment listed below (if needed) at no charge to the presenter(s). All video/audio will be played on laptops and projected onto screens – no TV/monitors will be provided.

Please mark next to any equipment item you need:

If requested by the NEFC Committee, are you able to offer the workshop more than once over the 2 1/2 day event? *
Please read and check next to each statement to demonstrate that you have read and understand the following: *
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