Crisis-Management Workshop Series
We invite youth-led and community-based organizations serving young people to join our organizational crisis-management workshop series, "Stay Strong – Stay Standing Series." This series was designed with and for local organizations serving young people to address their operational needs during Covid-19. The three sessions will provide experiences from youth-led organizations, as well as information, guidance, and advice from organizations in the Inter-Agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crises (IAWG) coalition.

More information on each of the sessions and how to register is provided below. During the webinar series, we will provide information on opportunities to receive additional support from IAWG. We hope to see you there!
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Session 1: Safety First
This session will answer questions related to staff safety, including how to maintain personal, volunteer, and staff safety and well-being.

Date: September 2, 2020
Time: 11am-12:30pm (GMT)/2-3:30pm (EAT)/4:45-6:15pm (NPT)/5:30 - 7pm (PKT)/7-8:30am (EDT)
Session 2: Safety First, Operations a Close Second
This session will answer questions related to your organization's continuity during Covid-19, including how to adjust programming and activities.

Date: September 10, 2020
Time: 8-9:30am (COT)/9-10:30am (EDT)/2-3:30pm (WAT)/3-4:30pm (CAT)
Session 3: Get Ahead
This session will answer questions related to preparation and resiliency during Covid-19, including how to prepare for future crises, as well as put in place measures and policies for dealing with the future effects of Covid-19.

Date: September 17, 2020
Time: 12-1:30pm (GMT)/7-8:30am (EDT)/6-7:30pm (ICT)
I would like to register for the following sessions: (check all sessions you want to attend) *
Name: *
I belong to a: *
Organization name: *
Job title/role:
Email: *
Country of Residence: *
What age range do you belong to? *
Thank you for submitting your RSVP to our webinar series. We are looking forward to seeing you (virtually)! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to message Katie Meyer (                
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