Registration: The Canvas Challenge
Gillings’ instructional faculty who are ready to accept the challenge and start building a course in Canvas are invited to participate.

MPH@UNC instructors/leads must complete the “Teaching Online with 2U Training Course” before taking on the Canvas Challenge. If you don't have access to the 2U training course, contact Amy Neaves (
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Department *
Your UNC email address *
Your ONYEN *
This is for enrollment purposes in Canvas.
Cohort *
When will you participate in the Challenge?
How would you rate your skill level in each of the following categories? *
Novice = little-to-no knowledge/skill;  Expert = highly competent, can teach others
Advanced Beginner
Applying Universal Design for Learning principles
Assessing student learning online
Creating accessible course content
Employing Backward Design
Organizing online/hybrid course content
Using Canvas tools
Using tools in Sakai
What are 2-3 takeaways you wish to gain from the Canvas Challenge? *
This will help us know your specific goals.
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