Online media webinar with Greenpeace nuclear expert and an independent scientist in nuclear safety about the situation in Zaporizhzhia NPP, Ukraine

Join an online webinar organized for journalists to discuss the latest situation in Zaporizhzhia NPP, Ukraine, with well-known nuclear experts from Greenpeace and the Institute for Safety and Risk Sciences

At the webinar, we will discuss the possible scenarios of a nuclear accident in detail, including also the case of possible sabotage. 

This online webinar for international media will take place via Zoom at 10:00 a.m. CET Wednesday, 12 July. 

To attend, please complete the registration form below by 11:00 a.m. CET Tuesday, 11 July. Ahead of the webinar, we will send you a Zoom invitation. 

The speakers at this event will be:

  1. Mag Dr. Nikolaus Müllner, Head of Institute of Safety and Risk Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna.
  2. Jan Vande Putte, radiation protection advisor & nuclear campaigner at Greenpeace. 

Main content that will be covered during the webinar:

  • Overview of ZNPP construction and vulnerable points of the plant
  • What are the most possible scenarios that can lead to a nuclear emergency
  • What are our next steps in case of a nuclear emergency?

In addition, the nuclear experts will also discuss the consequences of possible terrorist attacks/sabotage in detail. Critical safety demands for the safety of Ukraine and Europe will be shared, too.  At the end of the webinar, there will be a Q&A session in which experts will answer the questions of journalists. 

Since 4 March 2022, the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear power plant (ZNPP) in Ukraine has been under Russian occupation. Our Greenpeace nuclear experts have been monitoring the situation since February 2022. Jan Vande Putte was co-author with Shaun Burnie of the 2 March 2022 analysis of the safety and security hazards at the ZNPP and subsequent South Ukraine plant analysis. 

The crisis at the ZNPP brought more attention after the destruction of the Kakhovka dam on 6 June and the resulting draining of the Kakhovka reservoir, as the water in the reservoir, is the principal source for water supply for cooling purposes of the reactors (in cold and hot shutdown), though there are is sufficient water on the nuclear plant site to provide cooling over the coming weeks and months.

The discussion will be moderated by Kateryna Bystrytska, the press officer at Greenpeace CEE in Ukraine. For any additional information, please contact or +380673057986. 

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