GACHEP New Member Survey
Please fill out this form if you are interested in joining the Georgia Coalition for Higher Education in Prison. Membership is open to anyone who supports our mission of supporting high-quality postsecondary educational opportunities for people impacted by the prison system in GA.

Coalition members are invited to general meetings, added to our listserv, and kept informed about coalition initiatives and events. You can also let us know if you represent an organization that would like to be included in the coalition.
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Would you like to join GACHEP as an individual member or an organization?
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If you selected "organization," please let us know the name of your organization. We'll follow up with you to find out more and schedule a time to discuss membership.
First Name *
Last Name *
Preferred Pronouns
Affiliation (university, program, organization and title if applicable--you can write "none" if you'd prefer)
Are you directly-impacted by the criminal legal system? You do not need to answer this unless you wish to do so.
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Are you especially interested in learning about or contributing to any of the following aspects of GACHEP? Feel free to check as many as you would like.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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